NSM Faculty/Staff Newsletter

From the Office of the Dean

Interim Grading Policy for Undergraduate and Graduate Courses

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Houston implemented an interim grade policy for undergraduate and graduate courses. Below is an overview of this policy for the Spring 2020 Sessions 1, 4, 5 and 6, as well as the 2020 Summer Sessions.

Interim Undergraduate Grading Policy

  1. Instructors will assign letter grades as normal at the end of the semester and submit grades by May 11.
  2. Students will have until May 18 to decide if they want a letter grade or the S/NCR.
  3. The S grade gives the student credit for the course while the NCR grade gives them no credit for the course.
  4. The S/NCR grade will not impact the student’s GPA for the semester.
  5. If the student chooses to have the letter grade posted for their course(s), the grade(s) will be factored into their semester and overall GPA.

The NSM Undergraduate Advising Center is preparing to assist students with making grade decisions which are best for their academic careers. A complete description of the Interim Undergraduate Grading Policy is available on the Provost’s webpages.

Interim Graduate Grading Policy

  1. Professors post letter grades as normal at end of semester and submit grades by May 11.
  2. All graduate courses for the applicable sessions will be graded according to their current grading scheme.
    • If current grading scheme is Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U):
      • Grades of Unsatisfactory (U) will automatically convert to No Credit Reported COVID19 (NCR).
      • Grades of Satisfactory (S) are awarded course credit while no course credit will be awarded for a grade of No Credit Reported COVID-19 (NCR).
    • If current grading scheme is Letter Grade:
      • Students have the option to choose either a Letter Grade or a Satisfactory/No Credit Reported COVID-19 (S/NCR) grading scheme on a course-by-course basis.
      • Under the Satisfactory/No Credit Reported COVID-19 (S/NCR) grading scheme, grades of C- and higher are considered Satisfactory (S) and are awarded course credit. No course credit will be awarded for a grade of No Credit Reported COVID-19 (NCR)
  3. The deadline for students to choose their grading option is 5 p.m. on May 18.

  4. Satisfactory (S) and No Credit Reported COVID-19 (NCR) grades are not factored into term or cumulative GPA.
  5. Students are strongly encouraged to contact their academic advisor to discuss questions regarding the impact of their grade option choice on academic matters.

A complete description of the Interim Graduate Grading Policy is available on the Provost’s webpages.