NSM Faculty/Staff Newsletter

From the Office of the Dean

Student Success Update

teachHOUSTON Attends National UTeach Conference

teachHOUSTON faculty and staff attended the 2024 National UTeach STEM Educators Association (USEA) Conference in Austin, May 21-23. At the conference, Mariam Manuel concluded her term as USEA president, where she led efforts to develop a comprehensive national strategy aimed at transforming STEM teaching and learning which will launch in late fall. Jacqueline Ekeoba, who served as co-chair of the Conference Planning Committee, was elected to serve as a Member-at-Large, Alumni Representative, on the USEA Executive Board. She will chair the Conference Planning Committee for the 2025 USEA Conference to be hosted by NevadaTeach at the University of Nevada in Reno.

Office of First Year Programs (OFYP) Updates

Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention


The OFYP partnered with the Office of Admissions to host Academic Information Sessions (May 10, 13, and 17) and Official Coog Day (May 4). Academic Information Sessions included a presentation about the College and showcased NSM facilities and laboratories.

Official Coog Day included an opportunity for students and their supporters to hear from an NSM Student Leadership Team Panel, connect with NSM student organizations and undergraduate researchers, discover College-level resources to support their success, explore NSM facilities and laboratories, and engage in STEM-centered demonstrations. Approximately 193 people attended (95 students, 98 guests).

The OFYP attended the Undergraduate Recruitment Board meeting on May 2 and participated in College Admissions Review training with the Office of Admissions on May 23. The OFYP collaborated with the other colleges to discover possibilities for enhancing recruitment and engagement activities as well as the process for completing College Admissions Reviews.


The OFYP will facilitate the College Engagement Sessions during orientation throughout May, June, July, and August.

The Welcome/Next Steps email and text communication campaign to admitted students, in partnership with NSM Office of Communications, is continuing throughout the summer orientation period. The email encourages students to register for orientation and includes information on the new NSM Living-Learning Community, NSM’s Peer Mentorship Program, and our annual Fall Block Party. Once students register for orientation, they receive an email 3-4 weeks before orientation about the Math Placement Exam.


Power BI training through the Retention and Graduation Initiatives’ First Year Programs was held on May 16. This tool will be used by the OFYP for targeted communication to specific groups of FTICs regarding support and resources to increase first-year retention rates.

Navigate will also be used to streamline communication/documentation of messages sent and to increase OFYP visibility as an integral resource to NSM FTICs and new transfer students.

Student Leadership Team Program (SLT)

The 1st Annual SLT Co-Chair Dinner was held May 9 to show appreciation for current co-chairs and to allow them to share their experience in the leadership program with newly elected co-chairs.

OFYP is preparing for the SLT Fall Retreat, year-long training and professional development curriculum for student leaders, and a calendar of events for SLT members to connect with first-year and newly admitted transfer students next year to support retention rates

NSM Career Center (NSMCC) Updates

Spring 2024 Graduation Survey

To date, 487 out of 660 NSM students (74%) have completed the NSM Graduation Survey which provides information on experiences as an NSM student and data on their future plans. Students completing the survey received a NSM red graduation cord. During cord pick-up days, NSMCC staff and Career Outreach Squad members engaged with students, provided a graduation job checklist, and encouraged them to use the Career Center’s Resources as alumni.

NSM + Computer Science Career Fair and Graduate School Expo

Employer registration is open for the September 10 event. To increase employer participation, NSMCC partnered with the Bauer College of Business Rockwell Career Center and Cullen College of Engineering and Technology Career Center to create Swing Week, where recruiters can participate in all three career fairs during the second week of September.

NSM Faculty Engagement

Dr. Robert Comito created an employer account to use HireNSM for on-campus recruiting to fill part-time lab and research positions in the Department of Chemistry.

To increase recruitment and enrollment in the Department of Mathematics, Dawnelle Prince, NSMCC director, met with the Math Team and OFYP staff to discuss recruiting strategies including updating the traditional math recruitment pamphlet to a digital flipbook.

Career Counseling

In May, 30+ resumes and cover letters were reviewed and counseling appointments held to develop personalized Career Action Plans. In addition, the new Pathways module in HireNSM was aligned to NACE’s eight career readiness competencies. The module will launch in Fall 2024.