Student Success Update
Pilot Mentor Program for New Transfer Students
Faculty and staff volunteer mentors are needed for the Office of First Year Program’s New Transfer Student Mentorship Program to be piloted this Fall. The program will provide additional support to new incoming transfer students, who often do not get the full breadth of resources afforded to FTICs.
What is Mentorship?
NSM Faculty/Staff Mentors will offer guidance and support to 1–2 students transferring to UH in Fall 2020 for both individual and academic success during their first semester at UH.
What is Required of a Volunteer Mentor?
- Mentors would be encouraged to meet with an assigned mentee at least 3 times throughout the semester. This can be virtually or in person.
- Mentors will be required to attend a short training session to get information about NSM and UH resources for student success.
The Office of First Year Programs will provide mentors with information/resources that can be shared with the mentee to initiate the relationship. In addition, a website, NSMformation, is being developed to provide guidance for both the mentor and mentee.
Sign Up to Volunteer
If you’re interested in volunteering to mentor and support a new NSM transfer student, please sign up here.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Hannah Ford ( in the Office of First Year Programs.