Inaugural Winner of Faculty Award for Excellence in Service Announced
The NSM Faculty Award for Excellence in Service recognizes faculty who have demonstrated outstanding service to their department, college, university, and/or profession. Those faculty members are exemplars of outstanding academic citizenship. Examples include, but are not limited to, editorial roles with journals and manuscript reviews, grant review panels, DEI leadership-related activities, faculty recruiting, student success, university task forces, and leadership roles in professional societies.

One award is made yearly to a tenured/tenure-track or instructional/clinical/research faculty member. Selection of an awardee is contingent upon receipt of no less than three competitive applications. The award comes with a monetary award, a plaque, and a nameplate on a plaque in the Dean’s Office. The award recipient is also recognized as part of the NSM Commencement.
The 2022 Service Award winner is Tony Frankino, Associate Professor, Department of Biology & Biochemistry. Congratulations Tony for your outstanding service!
Applicants are judged on their service record via their CV, a two-page statement of service, evidence of service, and three letters of nomination, at least one of which must come from a UH faculty member. An ad hoc faculty committee reviews the materials and provides their ranking and comments to the Dean who makes the final decision.
The applicant pool was highly competitive. It was a tough job to evaluate and rank the candidates. For information on the award and the nomination process, visit the Faculty Award for Excellence in Service webpage or contact Jim Briggs (
Our current winner starts what will be a long line of faculty who will be recognized for their excellence in service. The list of winners will be kept on the NSM Recognition and Awards webpage.