NSM Faculty/Staff Newsletter

From the Office of the Dean

Migration to Canvas: Preparing for Summer and Fall

In the summer 2023 semester, all courses will be using Canvas as the learning management system instead of Blackboard. Canvas will offer many of the functionalities of Blackboard along with some additional functions, including an intuitive interface, a calendar that allows you to view and edit entries for all your courses on a single calendar, the ability to batch edit assignment dates, and the ability to assign multiple due dates to multi-section courses within one shell. It also has filter features that simplify navigation for multi-section courses without the need to set up SmartViews for each section.

To help you get started, the NSM-IT team provides resources that will assist you in organizing your Canvas course content effectively and have developed two professional course shell templates which offer clean, logical navigation.

A number of resources, including training opportunities, are available to assist faculty with the transition. Faculty can request a developmental course shell to get a head start on building courses for the summer/fall semesters. Links to resources and how to request a development course shell are shown below.

Resources to Get Started