NSM Faculty/Staff Newsletter

From the Office of the Dean

Faculty Senate Creates Faculty Values Statement

The University of Houston Faculty Senate has created a Faculty Values Statement in order to articulate the manner in which most of us already operate. It can be useful to see these values in writing and perhaps use them to guide ourselves when in situations in which we are unsure how to respond or provide leadership.

University of Houston Faculty Values Statement

We recognize the need for a shared set of values and principles that we should observe as faculty members in the academic setting of the University of Houston, Houston’s Carnegie-designated Tier One university.

Trust, Respect, and Civility: As a community of colleagues, we consistently work in the spirit of collegiality by treating each other and those around us with trust, respect, and civility, values fundamental to the ways in which we view our role as faculty.

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and Fairness: We embrace the values of diversity, equality, inclusion, and fairness in our research, teaching, and dealings with everyone at the university.

Integrity, Honesty, and Transparency: In our efforts to impart knowledge and wisdom, we are committed to maintaining integrity, honesty, and transparency in all aspects of research, teaching, and interacting with all members of the university community.

Excellence, Success, and National and Global Competitiveness: We are committed to achieving excellence, success, and national and global competitiveness in teaching, research, scholarship, and service, recognizing that it is incumbent upon faculty to hold ourselves to the highest standards as we encourage everyone to thrive.

Health, Well-Being, and Mutual Support: We support the health, well-being, and flourishing of everyone at the university and act with care and concern to affirm each other in these connected areas.

Academic Freedom: We regard the freedom of faculty to pursue research, scholarship, and teaching, without fear of reprisal, as fundamental to the advancement of knowledge and the ultimate success of the university.

Community Engagement: We strive to improve the lives of not only everyone on campus but also those beyond its boundaries, extending the reach of our research, teaching, and service to impact, improve, and engage communities within and beyond the campus perimeter.

Shared Governance: We are committed to shared governance as a carefully safeguarded tradition within the organization and operation of academic institutions, insuring that voices are heard and policies are the result of careful deliberation and collaboration among stakeholders.