Office of Research Update
New Proposal Submissions
In January and February, 80 research grant proposals (including 20 to Welch, 18 to NSF and 16 to NIH) were submitted for over $50M in funds.
Newly Funded Grants
James Flynn III (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) was awarded two grants from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ($33K and $68K): “Detecting events and seasonal trends in biomass burning plumes using black and brown carbon: (BC)2 El Paso.”
James Flynn III (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) was awarded a $232K grant from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: “Monitoring related to ozone formation in and ozone and particulate matter transport into the Houston region.”
James Flynn III (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) was awarded an $11K grant from StormGeo, Inc: “Weather balloon and radiosonde launches to collect atmospheric soundings.”
George Fox (Biology & Biochemistry) was awarded a $132K grant from NASA (subaward from Georgia Tech): “Center for the origin of life – translation, evolution, and mutualism.”
Omprakash Gnawali (Computer Science) was awarded a $20K NSF grant for student travel: “NSF student travel grant for 2019 cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things week (CPS-IOT week).”
Liming Li (Physics) was awarded a $432K grant from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: “Saturn’s zonal winds: temporal and vertical variability explored by Cassini multi-instrument observations.”
Ioannis Konstantinidis (VideoPoints LLC), Jaspal Subhlok, Shishir Shah, and Thamar Solorio (Computer Science and VideoPoints LLC) were awarded a $225K NSF Small Business Innovation Research Grant: “SBIR Phase I: VideoPoints: A Companion for Classroom Learning.”
Matthew Nicol, Vaughn Climenhaga, Alan Haynes, William Ott, and Andrew Török (Mathematics) were awarded a $50K grant from the NSF: “Houston Summer School on Dynamical Systems.” The grant will be used to host an 8-day summer school to introduce graduate students to recent progress and novel techniques in dynamical systems with particular emphasis on a probabilistic viewpoint.
Lawrence Pinsky (Physics) was awarded a $41K grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (subaward from Kansas State University): “Solid state dual neutron/x-ray imager.”
Ilya Timofeyev (Mathematics) was awarded an $86K grant from the U.S. Department of Energy: “Assimilation of multiscale data into multifidelity biogeochemical models.”
Jakoah Brgoch (Chemistry) was awarded a 5-year, $656K CAREER Award: “Targeting novel phosphors for the next generation of solid-state white lighting.”
Richard Meisel (Biology & Biochemistry) was awarded a 5-year, $1.2M CAREER Award: “Maintenance of variation in a developmental pathway as a result of environmental heterogeneity.”
Thomas Teets (Chemistry) was awarded a 5-year, $589K CAREER Award: “Synthetic Strategies to Optimize Luminescence and Photoredox Properties of Organometallic Complexes.”
Jonny Wu (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences) was awarded a 5-year, $568K CAREER Award: “Unfolding Earth history back to the Mesozoic by incorporating seismic tomography into Pacific realm plate tectonic reconstructions.”
Educational Grants
Paige Evans (Mathematics, teachHOUSTON), Laura Harlow (Mathematics, teachHOUSTON), and Jaspal Subhlok (Computer Science) were awarded a $144K grant from the U.S. Department of Education: “Expanding and strengthening the STEM teacher workforce through UTeach.”
Donna Stokes (Physics), Catherine Horn (Education Leadership & Policy Studies), Monique Ogletree (Biology & Biochemistry), Consuelo Arbona (Psychology, Health & Learning Science), and Andrew Hamilton (Natural Sciences & Mathematics) were awarded a $1.5M NSF grant: “Building capacity: integrated interventions to improved undergraduate student success in STEM.”
Upcoming Meetings and Workshops
UH 50-in-5 Workshop: Learn How to Increase Your Research and Scholarly Impact
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
8:30 am – 12 pm
UH Student Center, Space City Room, 214
NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
Baltimore, MD
May 15–17, 2019
NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
Phoenix, AZ
Nov. 6–8, 2019
Registration opens in May.